2024 Library of Congress National Book Festival
Social Media Toolkit
Thank you for your participation in the 2024 Library of Congress National Book Festival. This toolkit can be used as a resource to share the festival with your following on social media.
Follow the Library and the Librarian of Congress
Instagram: @librarycongress, @librarianofcongress
Twitter/X: @librarycongress, @LibnOfCongress
Threads: @librarycongress, @librarianofcongress
Facebook: Library of Congress
YouTube: Library of Congress
LinkedIn: Library of Congress
National Book Festival website: loc.gov/bookfest
Bookmarked Blog for Festival Updates: https://blogs.loc.gov/bookmarked/
Featured Authors: https://www.loc.gov/events/2024-national-book-festival/authors/
Author Lineup and Festival Press Release: https://newsroom.loc.gov/news/library-of-congress-national-book-festival-announces-full-author-lineup-for-2024/s/c6641e2f-7f36-45c6-9f34-a1dc958455c2
- Share your role and excitement for the National Book Festival on Instagram, Twitter/X, Threads and Facebook to join the festival conversation, and use #NatBookFest on Instagram or Twitter/X.
- Help us promote the festival to your audience! Share posts from the Library's accounts listed above.
- The theme of this year's festival is "Books Build Us Up." How do books build you up? How does reading connect you with others and inform your life? Share on social media and use #NatBookFest.
- What part of the festival are you most looking forward to seeing? Share on social media and use #NatBookFest.
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